Ha ha ha, bet that made you sit up and take notice :-) We are of course giving away free downloads again. This time our lovely Louise has created a smashing set of fun-ness that is bound to make anyone smile. This is about something that we all have known about for years - that chocolate mysteriously make our knickers shrink! Strange isn't it? Baffling wouldn't you say? The bundle comprises several pairs of knickers , along with sentiments. Sentiments are with "knickers" pants" and panties" - so you can use them where ever you are.
Here is a lovely example card created by Lou.

Free Knickers download Bundle
Cut and Paste cake embellishments
K&Co Lotus Tea Box papers
The card is an Easel card, you can find instructions how to make that HERE.
ENJOY the free downloads. Come back with a link when you have created something, we would love to see what you have come up with.
Thank you so much...!!